OMG, so here's the dealio. Everyone around me ( even the dog ) is sick with colds and flu right now. Taking care of my mom and dad, making lots of chicken soup, and I'm a vegetarian ( that's been fun. ) My grandson, he flippen sneezed right in my face with an open mouth and runny nose. I'm totally gross-out. I survived. And to top it off my husband, the big baby has a fever! I CAN'T EVEN!!! THANK GOD I have these supplements handy. I'd like to pop them like M&M's all day long but with only 2 a day they do the trick! Hellooo, I'm not sick... Ummm, Mericle! SO If you are surrounded around a buck of sickies TAKE MY ADVICE AND GET THIS SUPPLEMENT!!! LIFE SAVER!!!! 100 STARS!!!